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Our Energy group is looking at ways to help people insulate their homes, switch to renewable energy and lead more sustainable lives. If you'd like to help out or have any ideas around climate initiatives for the Energy group please email David at ‌

Sustainable Energy


The energy group is an active group which has a number of projects on the go and always welcomes new members. 

We have been lobbying Sevenoaks District Council, asking them to improve their Climate Change/Net Zero Carbon web page. We have noticed a few improvements already.


We are now turning our attention to developing videos of insulation and renewable energy installations in our homes. We aim to post these on the SCAN website over the next few months.


We are also developing an Eco Map which we hope members and the public will find useful.

Modern Apartment Building


Lobbying the Council

Modern Kitchen

Insulation and energy films


Eco Map

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